Some thoughs on 12DailyPro & Extending Diversification
Another interesting week on the internet investing arena. This week we did not see any new collapses which is a relief after the miserable past one. Also, the end of the month arrived which is good news... some cash is due to arrive :)
12DailyPro keeps going very strong. A lot of people have been able to regain some of the losses after GCISurf and ClixSurf and 2WeeksSurf collapses due to this phenomenal autosurf. I have post a few thoughts on Jim Polak's forum on where the money may arrive. Here is my line of thought.
"I was thinking a bit on how Charis would see this system from a webmaster point of view. We always think how much we get and how much to upgrade but for her, the webmaster, 12DP is probably a system that gets something in (X), gets something out (Y) and has something inside (Z).
When X>Y then obvious there is no problem. The income from new members is always enough to sustain payments.
When Y>X then there is NOT necessary a problem if Z is well managed.
If she can make a good profit on Z (P=a function of profit on Z) so that always X+P(Z)>Y then there will NOT be a problem.
So, lets hypothesize, for the shake of simplicity, that she has the whole Z for 20 days and she wants to make a profit on it. That Z should be enormous by now, I believe something between 20 and 100 million dollars (there will be a few users at the 6000 level but a lot-lot-lot more at 50 or 100 level. I assume 100,000 members with 200 to 1000 for each on average). At a well sustained system Z should always grow since the total income is bigger than the outgoing stream.
Now, what can you do to make a good profit from several millions of dollars that you have at hand? Dan from described a scenario where
60% of the Funds deposited go into an e-currency exchange program that uses these funds to move money on the internet. In exchange, they pay them a portion of fees they collect for the transactions they make. Other systems do exist that can make a good profit on large amounts of money.
I do belive that in her mind the percentage 12Daily pays means little; the percent is a way to grow X from new users and minimize Y as more people reinvest to get even more.. this is called greed. The P(Z) should be big enough to fill the gap of the people that actually leave the system or have reached the maximum level."
On another topic, during this week I diversified my portfolio with 12DailyPro earnings. I spent $200 to GoldenRocks, $700 to PrivateOpps and $200 to FeederFund. These three look to me the best of all HYIPs (if any HYIP deserves this title). You can read on my previous post why I choose them. As always, I will keep you informed on how things progress with each one of them.
Regarding my other autosurfs, everything seems fine except PaidExposure which, once more, has not keep its promise to pay their members until November 30. They came up with all kind of excuses but the simple fact remains that nobody got paid. I don't want to be a pessimist but right now I rather believe that its end is approaching. And this is something I wish I had never have to say.
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