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Invest and make money at web - discussion about autosurfers, HYIPs and other opportunities

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Where the money is coming from?

Banks usually pay you only around 2-3% per year and share market produces an average of 14% in a year. With autosurf programs you can make an incredible 265% in a year (remember that you loose your initial investment) or more using compounding.

So how can paid-to-surf programs pay you so much? The answer is not simple and certainly many times is not convincing. There can be a lot of income sources.

* Members Upgrades. A constant stream of new members and new upgrades is vital to any autosurf programs. Part of the money invested by new members goes to payouts for other members. No program can last long with only this one income source.
* Forex Trading. A few programs use the money on Forex (currency) trading. Bigger sums of money increase the probabilites of making money when exchanging currencies. Actually, there are a few techniques that require A LOT of money to work well when playing in Forex.
* HYIP programs. Some programs are also investing in other high yield investment opportunities, including HYIPs and other autosurf program. If a program is paying 1% daily, the owner can invest the money into another autosurf program paying even the same 1% and surf every day. With the right strategy, using compounding, he can produce much more than 265% in a year. The same program owner can also invest in a 3% daily program and that way he will easily generate enough money to pay the payouts, but in this case the risk is higher, of course.
* Advertising. All autosurf programs generate millions of hits and people interested in advertising for their sites may pay to buy some of those hits. Autosurf programs may also sell text links and banners displayed in members area or on the main page. Finally, the autosurf company can inject their own referral links for other surfing or HYIP sites and get commisions for new members there.
* Services to Members. Some autosurf programs also provide hosting services, professional design and promoting. Several big hosting companies even provide autosurf programs as an addition to their services for their clients wishing to advertise their sites.
* Transaction Fees. Few of the biggest autosurf programs have their own payment processors and online stores. Their members need to pay the fees when they deposit or withdraw their funds, there may also be fees on every transaction.
* Not surfing... Keep in mind that not all the members surf every day. So anytime the member doesn't surf the required amount of sites, more money stays in the program. And in fact almost no one manages to surf 265 days without a break. People are used to go on vacation for weeks and the "unsurfed" money stays in the program.


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