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Sunday, December 25, 2005

Security Tips

Lately, I read often terror stories about people getting their autosurfing or egold accounts hacked. If you don't think this can happen to you, please acknowledge that there are many specific tools today that target the less-careful user or the browsers exploits.

There are many measures you can take to remedy this situation; no matter what, always make sure you have an antivirus or/and spyware/keylogger detector and you do not use the same password on all sites.

However, my main method of protecting my system is based on a machine virtualization system called VMWare. This program creates a virtual machine inside your own machine where you can install any program you like and treat as another machine - no settings are common between the two machines. VMWare player is a special free version of VMWare, go get it at:

VMWare offers a prebuilt vitrual machine based on the UBUNTU linux system that creates a secure environment for web browsing based on FireFox. You can download it from:

Use this configuration to run all your surfing sites inside this new system and avoid exposing your main system to spywares.


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