My investment portfolio
My initial investment with autosurfers is around $5000. I am totally prepered to loose this money without starving. You should also make sure you invest only the amount of money you are prepared to loose. I decided to divert that sum to 5-6 sites to keep the risk at a minimum and the same time do not have to surf all day. Here is the list of sites I invest with and why I choose them. Check on the right of this blog to find links to them.
I checked all (humanly possible) autosurf forums and threads about this one and decided that was a reasonable invest candidate. It claims a 12% return of your initial investment for 12 days.
You can use egold and stormpay to upgrade your account from the free membership level. Upgrading is necessary to keep your account activated. Note that the actual return on investment is not 12% because you loose your initial upgrade amount (thats the case for almost all autosurfers). Also, the initial deposit takes a few days to reach your account – usually 5 to 7 days. So, your actual return per day is around 2,3% - not bad actually.
Currently, I have upgraded using StormPay ($900) and eGold ($1080). My initial upgrade was with StormPay until I could I find a way to fund my eGold account. My experience with StormPay is a positive one. They do look like knowing what they are doing and they have a lot of options. However, their fees really suck – 3% to fund your account with credit card and a whopping 6,9%+$.30 to receive money from another StormPay user. EGold charges much less but it is much harder to fund your account. Commonly, you have to fund it using a bank money transfer.
I had seen DadNDaves autosurfint site a few times during my first days with autosurfers. My initial reaction was negative. Oh boy, it really looks like as an amateur work regarding design. However, I soon realize that at least at this stage of autosurfing industry, the appearance of the site has little to do with the owner intentions. I soon found from other post all over the web that DadNDaves is owned by an old and very reliable webmaster that also runs the site. Check his site, he surely knows how to be directa nd he does not afraid to speak his mind.
I put $1000 to DadNDaves. &
These two are run by Dan and Collete. They also do not look professional but came highly suggested by everyone. So, I started regularly to visit their forum. Soon got convinced that they are dedicated to their community and deserve a position in my portfolio. offers a 1% return but upgrades never expire and offer 2% with upgrades that last for 2 years.
I put $1000 to and $500 to
This is the oldest one, the autosurfing site that shaped the industry as it stands today. They offer 1% per day with upgrades that last for one year. You need to surf 100 sites per day which is the upper maximum I have come to. However, they do look professional and have big plans. They introduced several smaller sites that can take advantage of the vast community that has been build around the mother site.
I put $100 to StudioTraffic - I may upgrade there soon.
This is the first one I put money to. Paid Response is operated by Aaron Bowering, founder of the Junkies Network and author of several marketing based eBooks. In a place full of anonymously owned autosurfing sites this one seemed to be a very good bet. The terms are similar to StudioTraffic - 1% for upgrades that last 1 year. Also, it allowed for paypal upgrades, a very flexible option for me during the first days with autosurfers when I didn't have an egold or stormpay account. However, my experience with PaidResponse is rather mixed due to a few ever lasting technical problems (including a very annoying maximum connections issue) and several reports about delaying payments. Aaaron promised that all payments will be processed until end of November, so I will keep you informed if he keeps his promises.
I have put $1000 to PaidResponse.